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A true question from one of the kids:

 Q: “Dad, are there any female opera singers who aren’t fat?”

Sure stumped me. Are there any female opera singer’s who aren’t fat? Where did that saying come from, “It aint over till the fat lady sings”? Probably from the same place as my kid’s question; observation and experience.

Racism! Anti-semitism! Bigot! are all variations on the same and single theme: your observations and experience are irrational! You lie! Your eyes lie, and you are a lying hater who hates…female opera singers??? I’ve got nothing against female opera singers yet, I do agree with the stereotype of them being fat. Is this observation by my child a form of bigotry?

It’s a good question. Are there any female opera singers who aren’t fat? I’m sure if there are they are the exception to the rule.

 Maybe Dame Kiri Te Kanawa?

Oh my dear father,

I like him, he is very handsome. (Ed: Not talking about me, but is true)

I want to go to Porta Rossa

to buy the ring!

Yes, yes, I want to go there!

And if my love were in vain,

I would go to Ponte Vecchio

and throw myself in the Arno!

I am pining and I am tormented,

Oh God! I would want to die!